Indonesia Project

Indonesia Project

Since January 2011 we have succesfully installed over 1000 units of Electronic load controller (ELC) In Indonesia and worldwide, ranging from 3-250 kW with total installed capacity of about 15 MW. Our Turbines are in operation in more than 75 MHP sites worldwide. our equipments are exported to more than 30 countries worldwide such as Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Pacific and Australia.

International Project

International Project

Since January 2011 we have succesfully installed over 1000 units of Electronic load controller (ELC) In Indonesia and worldwide, ranging from 3-250 kW with total installed capacity of about 15 MW. Our Turbines are in operation in more than 75 MHP sites worldwide. our equipments are exported to more than 30 countries worldwide such as Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Pacific and Australia.

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International Partners

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ GERMANY

ASEAN Hydropower Competence Centre (HYCOM)

US Agency for Internation Development (USAID)

Domestic Partners

Asosiasi Hidro Bandung (AHB)

PT. Entec Indonesia


PME Bandung

CV. PROTEL MULTI ENERGY (PME) manufactures and supplies complete micro hydro power equipment.

Specializing in Crossflow and Pelton turbines with capacities up to 500 kW per unit.


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